Testing ..Testing


This blog is inspired by my hubby, Helmi Rizal and both my sis inlaws Helda Syima and Helda Waty. Thanks to them finallly i could express and share stories bout my 2 lemon pies, Aira Huda she is 4 years old and Adra Hannah she is 2 years old..Initial of AH..comes from their ummi and dada's name Airina Helmi.

Fuh..Nice to have them around..and there are moments that they also make me n my hubby loose our mind kejap..tp itu lah dia kehidupan ada anak. Lepas2 dh loose mind tu la baru terlintas kt hati and mind, mcm ni la mak bapak aku jaga aku dulu (naughty...naughty). Bukan senang nk besarkan anak..At times u feel kalau biarkan nanti x tegur dari sekarang susah nanti but the other side kesian plak kecik lg. "Sabor le"bak kata nek ton their baby sitter.

Aira (tatak bak kata Adra..version Dada)
Adra ( ni tak tau version mana..tp sah kluar dr perut ummi la)

Aira and Adra Raya 2011 in Kedah
