Adra muntah-muntah then Aira since Sunday 25 September 2011.. On Monday both nampak recover sket coz on Sunday we spent the whole day at home biar both of them rest, makan ubat, eat good food and tidur a lot. On Wednesday Nek Ton their baby sitter told that Adra purge about more then 8 times. Then Wednesday nite she continues purging and vommit. Luckily Wan and Atuk came that nite. The next day I went to office for a while and Wan Atuk brought her to the clinic. Since she have been purging for quite a while doctor refer us to DEMC.
On Thursday evening Adra's Paediatrician Dr. Ahmad, admit her. So arrived wad, 2 nurses came and took Adra sbb nk on drip. They said Adra tak nanigs pun bila letak needle, I was surprised kalau ummi ada sure she will scream her heart out. She only cried bila tengok tangan dia kena balut..Hahaha..
Thank God DEMC ada long and comfotable seat for dada to sleep on it , Adra, ummi and Aira all on the bed. How do we adjust..only the nurses knows..hahaha..anyway the good part bila anak admitted you can really spent quality time with them, incfact if you go shopping with them pun we are too busy concertrating dengan benda-benda lain. With the busy schedule, ummi dada kerja, ummi study malam, and Aira dh pergi sekolah, the time we spent tak sama bila Adra admitted. So ada hikmahnye bila Adra admitted. Praying that she will recover soon...Ummi Luv you Adra...Aira..
Adra masa baru admitted |
Adra grumpy.."Don't like my hand" says Adra |
Uncle Boy and lil cousin Aryan first visitor who arrived. |
My cuttie pies...Aira making her lil sister happy |
Aunty Not and Aunty Yam and Atok Abu sleepin' |
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