Aira goes to school

15 September 2012, first day Aira goes to school. She is in primary 1, Belnheim Primary school. So excited to meet new friends and teachers. Unfortunately Adra can only go to school after she is 3 years old. School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.15pm. From Our house Lyddon Terrace to the lofthouse place took us bout 10mins walk..more or less 1.5km.

Upon arrival, parents and child will assemble in their hall and do some execises and the song 'Everybody dance now' played together to get the mood going on. It was fun though. All the seniors and teachers will lead the dance actually. Then parents will bring their kids to their classes.

School entrance..when we first visit the school

First day in school

Father and daughter

Adra pun sent off kakak to school

Primary 1 school girl

Parents waiting at each door of the classes to fetch their kids. Ni Aira's class exit door.

In the hall, mornig before the class starts

Starts to dance @ exercise already
Manage to record the morning activity. The teacher block Aira plak..Aira is in front of her teacher.
Aira's school attire. Black pants and white polo and school jumper and Lady jane black shoes

Kalau hujan pakai Wellington boots and that is her lunch box. nk Hello kitty matching with boots.

Or grey pants, polo white with cardigan

Or with skirt and black socks.

Hope she enjoys schooling and make lots and lots of friends. She did teach us at school if water...they pronouce as 'wa er' and bottom 'bot em'..line up..'line op'..haha cute though.
