First Carboot Sale..Wetherby Leeds

Our host family introduced us to their friends Kak Eva and Abg Alfie PR in Leeds. They invited us to join them on the weekends  doing some 'introducing shopping'..hehehe. Carboot in Wetherby which took us half an hour drive from Leeds town. 

Lelong..lelong 1pound

Toys..Fisher price lagi

Macam-macam ada

Despite going to the carboot we also prepared some food for picnic after shopping. Nice weather to do picnic. It is about 11 degrees with sunshine.
The kids had so much fun.

Kids playing crickets

Adra with her new friend Akila

Aira with Atiya


 P/S : Kalau ada yang membaca my not a professional writer. Amatuer aje. so if my grammar or languages not up to your expectation can't say much..This is just me sharing my life experience 'my way' to whom who is interested only. Kalau x best x yah baca yea.
