Adra's 3rd Birthday

Alhamdulillah my lil girl turns 3 on the 19 October 2012. Thank you Allah for giving me such an adorable little girl, sihat, smart insyaallah. Walaupun lots of people says that she is a little bit fierce but she loves her sister Aira. Just weaned her from breast feeding. She is so persistent that she only  breast feed  and do not want to drink formula milk from the bottle for about 2 years plus. Staying in baby sitter's place waiting for me each day to fetch her and drink her milk. Thank you Allah again for giving me the ability to produce lots of milk for my little ones so that i could breast feed both my babies for 2years and more each..Alhamdulillah.

Did small celebration with her at home. After fetching Aira from school we went to Tesco to buy her ready made cake. She chooses Hello Kitty cake her favourite and we did bought Ben N Jerry's ice cream.

Lepas bli cake we bring them to Round Hay Park. They are so happy..Especially Adra who have been staying at home all day.

Happy betul

Yeay bole main walaupun sejuk

Nice park. There are lots of beautiful parks here and the locals will bring their kids to park every evening and let them play..And the park equipments are well maintained. (Yang dh pegi la tak tau yang lain)

 Lepas Round Hay Park, went back home tiup cake.

My cuttie pies

Lets go down the memory lane a little bit....
19 October 2009 first day into the world- Adra Hannah name given
Adra di niatkan jadi peneman Kakak Aira..n she does..First time Aira jadi Kakak

8 to 9 months old

Dah merangkak

Ala la manja ngan kakak Aira

1 year old..she walks when she is 11months old

2 years old

Always with kakak

2nd birthday

Dah besar..

Penat balik dari sekolah
Moga jadi anak yang solehah,umat yang berjaya dunia dan akhirat...Amin
